L11 Johan Petter Johansson


Born: 1836 
Dead: 1870-12-20 Adolf Fredrik, Stockholm 1) Died 34 years old

Family with L10 Christina Persdotter (1817 - 1907)

Marriage: 1860-12-30 Adolf Fredrik , Stockholm 2)  Christina was 19 years older than her husband! She had been married before, with a man called Forss, says the record.
Either he died or they got divorsed.

L03 Johanna Christina Johansson (1862 - 1945)

Can not find him in any record, only when his daughter Johanna Christina was born

 1) scb Stockholms Stad, Födde,Vigsel,Död, 1870 - 1870, Bild 457
 2) _scb Stockholms Stad, Födde,Vigsel,Död, 1860 - 1860, Bild 191

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