My father!
His parent couldn't afford to put him in high school, he had to start working. But when he was grown up he studied almost all his life, English, mathematics, health. He worked for the Swedish defense as a health officer and was in Gaza, Egypt in 1956 and Cyprus later on.My mother died when I was 12 and my brother lars was 7. But he did a good job with us and we very good children. When he was away on a job over night, he used to call home and tell us to do our homework and then call again to say it was time for bed - And we obeyed!
He was working in the 1930th on the ship Gripsholm, and came with his ship to New York and met his aunts and cousin Harry.
In 1976 cousin Harry and his wife Peggy were here to visit and the same year my father and his second wife went to the USA. Shortly after he came home the accident happend!
He died unexpectedly in 1976, he was run over by a bus. My daugter Katja was then 3 and Marja was newly born.