L12 Per Persson

Crofter later farmer.

Father: L55 Per Nilsson (1751 - 1811)
Mother: L56 Anna Jansdotter (1753 - 1816)

Born: 1787-06-17 Gödsätra, Almunge 1) All people in every parish had to answer questions regarding the bible every year from about 1700 untill 1890 and everything was written down in a book.
In this roll of the parish biblical questioning it says that Per Person can't hear very well, but he passed the test.

Family with L13 Sara Jansdotter (1788 - )

L57 Per Persson (1813 - 1814)
L14 Anna Maja Persdotter (1814 - )
L10 Christina Persdotter (1817 - 1907)
L15 Jan Erik Persson (1826 - )
L16 Brita Karin Persdotter (1833 - )

In 1831 the whole family moves to from Norrbol to Faringe parish (not so far from Almunge)
Here Per Persson becomes a farmer on his own farm. Maybe he inherited the farm.

In 1856 he retires and his son Jan Erik with family takes over. (Faringe AI:12 page 96)
Per is now deaf.

 1) Almunge AI:1 page 154

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