L02 Carl August Ludvig Lundell

metal worker.

Father: L06 Anders August Janssson Lundell (1838 - >1900)
Mother: L07 Carolina Christina Lindström (1832 - 1899)

Born: 1860-01-12 Jakob, Stockholm 1) Born as illigitimate son to unknown parents. When they got married in 1863 they acknowledged him.
Dead: USA after 1920

Family with L03 Johanna Christina Johansson (1862 - 1945)

Marriage: 1881-08-27 Adolf Fredrik, Stockholm 2) Metal worker Carl August Ludvig Lundell born 1860-01-12 and maid Johanna Christina Johansson born 1862-05-23

L05 Astrid Christina Ludvika Lundell (1881 - 1882)
L04 Lilly Viktoria Lundell (1884 - 1961)
L01 Gunnar Julius Lundell (1886 - 1955)

In 1880 living with his parents and brother and sister in Klara parish

Emigrated from Göteborg, Sweden 1889-03-01 as Ludvig Lundell.

 1) Jakob och Johannes kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcke (1856-1861)
 2) _scb Stockholms Stad, Födde,Vigsel,Död, 1881 - 1881, Bild 424

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