L06 Anders August Janssson Lundell


Father: L17 Jan Erik Jansson (1800 - 1875)
Mother: L18 Christina Forsell (1806 - 1880)

Born: 1838-01-02 Boda, Bred 1) Christened only to Anders August (don't know where "Gustav" came from)
Parents: farmer Jan Erik Jansson and his wife Christina Forsell, age 32.
Dead: after 1900 Klara, Stockholm 

Family with L07 Carolina Christina Lindström (1832 - 1899)

Marriage: 1863-11-22 Klara church 2) It says in the record that her uncle gave her avay. Was her father dead?

L02 Carl August Ludvig Lundell (1860 - )
L08 Oscar Julius Lundell (1862 - )
L09 Ida Carolina Wilhelmina Lundell (1864 - )

In 1856 he moves from Tillinge parish to Stockholm and changes his name to LUNDELL at the same time!
Read about the Swedish namesystem on Signe/Helen website: www.kamphavet.se/Genealogi/Stories/SigneHelena/SigneStart.htm

In 1880 he lives in Klara parish in Stockholm with his wife and family and his wife's sister Maria Elisabeth.
In 1890 he lives with his wife in Klara parish, Stockholm with wife and daughter.
In 1900 Anders lived with his daughter Ida , his wife is dead in 1899.

 1) Bred C:5 page 25
 2) Klara kyrkoarkiv, Lysningsböcker (1862-1865)

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