L10 Christina Persdotter

Father: L12 Per Persson (1787 - )
Mother: L13 Sara Jansdotter (1788 - )

Born: 1817-12-28 Norrbol, Almunge 1) Christened to Stina - crofter Per Persson and his wife Sara Jansdotter in Norrbol, Almunge
Dead: 1907-01-01 Adolf Fredrik , Stockholm 2) After 1900

Family with L114 Forss

Marriage: 1849 this is when the daughter Sofia was born.

L115 Sofia Forss (1849 - )

Family with L11 Johan Petter Johansson (1836 - 1870)

Marriage: 1860-12-30 Adolf Fredrik , Stockholm 3)  Christina was 19 years older than her husband! She had been married before, with a man called Forss, says the record.
Either he died or they got divorsed.

L03 Johanna Christina Johansson (1862 - 1945)

In the questioning in 1830, the roll says that Stina is a bad reader and has forgotten many things from the bible.
Stina's family moves to Faringe in 1831.
Stina moves to Ekeby 1835, another parish, but I couldn't find her there.

Found her in Stockholm, Adof Fredrik parish (kvarteret Sjökatten) 1860, she is a soldiers wife, but her husband is not registrated. There is a daughter too named Sofia ...something, born 1849-?-16. The text is a blurr.
Johan Petter can not be Sofia's father, he was only 13 years old when she was born!
Christina must have been married before she met Johan Petter and this man was obviously a soldier!
Christina was 19 years older than her new husband.

Christina is living with her unmarried daughter, Johanna Christina.1880 in Stockholm
Living at her daughters family 1890-1900 -"-

 1) Almunge C:2 page 269
 2) dödsattest
 3) _scb Stockholms Stad, Födde,Vigsel,Död, 1860 - 1860, Bild 191

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