L25 Anna Ersdotter

Father: L122 Erik Jansson (1748 - )
Mother: L116 Helena Ersdotter (1746 - 1784)

Born: 1774-09-07 Broby, Tillinge 1) Parents: Erik Jansson and Helena Ersdotter in Broby, born 7 september
Dead: 1837-07-31 Boda, Bred 2) 

Family with L24 Jan Carlsson (1771 - 1829)

Marriage: 1795-12-29 Tillinge church 3) Jan Carlsson from Broby and the maid Anna Persdotter from the same place

L30 Eva Lovisa Jansdotter (1797 - )
L17 Jan Erik Jansson (1800 - 1875)
L31 Carl Jansson (1803 - )
L35 Johanna Jansdotter (1805 - )
L36 Erik Jansson (1808 - )
L38 Anna Dotothea Jansdotter (1811 - 1818)
L37 Ulrika Jansdotter (1813 - )
L26 Helena Charlotta Jansdotter (1822 - >1880)

Anna took care of her little brother Fredrik when she got married. I didn't think he survived beeing only 1,5 moths old when his mother died - but he did!!
Anna and her husband Jan Erik lived in Västra Vela village.

 1) Tillinge C:4 page 98
 2) Bred AI:12 page 97
 3) Tillinge C:5 page 19

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