L07 Carolina Christina Lindström

Father: L109 Nils Peter Lindström (1805 - )
Mother: L110 Anna Christina Kyhlberg (1808 - )

Born: 1832-10-16 Kalmar stadsförsamling, Kalmar 1) She was born in 1832 not in 1834 as is says when she got married and in other records! Took me all day to find her!!!!!!!!!!

Her father was a coppersmith named Nils Peter Lindström and her mother was Anna Christina Kjohlberg or Kyhlberg in Kalmar.

Dead: 1899-02-17 Klara, Stockholm 2) Was living at Klara Västra Kyrkogata nr.11. Died of Astorios-something

Family with L06 Anders August Janssson Lundell (1838 - >1900)

Marriage: 1863-11-22 Klara church 3) It says in the record that her uncle gave her avay. Was her father dead?

L02 Carl August Ludvig Lundell (1860 - )
L08 Oscar Julius Lundell (1862 - )
L09 Ida Carolina Wilhelmina Lundell (1864 - )

Found her al last in Kalmar with her family! Looked through 17 books!

The two first children were born before the marriage.
Maybe their first son Ludvig was born in Jacobs parish - they moved to Klara 1860-11-02.

 1) Kalmar stadsförsamling C:8 page 711
 2) Klara, SCB, Död, 1898 - 1920, Bild 40
 3) Klara kyrkoarkiv, Lysningsböcker (1862-1865)

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