L18 Christina Forsell

Father: L53 Olof Forsell
Mother: L54 Sara Larsdotter

Born: 1806-04-06 Osmunds kvarn, Hernevi 1) Cristened to Stina. Miller Olof Forsell and his wife Sara Larsdotter at Osmunds kvarn (mill).
Dead: 1880 Tillinge 2) From Irvings notes

Family with L17 Jan Erik Jansson (1800 - 1875)

L32 Anna Lovisa Jansdotter (1825 - 1830)
L33 Carl Johan Jansson (1827 - 1827)
L34 Lars Erik Jansson (1827 - 1827)
L19 Mathilda Christina Jansdotter Forsell (1828 - )
L20 Margareta Johanna Jansdotter (1830 - 1846)
L21 Johan Erik Jansson (1832 - 1846)
L22 Carl Alfred (Charlie) Jansson (1835 - )
L06 Anders August Janssson Lundell (1838 - >1900)
L23 Lars Olof (Louis) Jansson (1840 - )
L27 Per Adolph Jansson (1842 - 1931)
L28 Fredrik Ludvig Jansson (1843 - 1843)
L29 Charlotta Ulrika Lotta Jansdotter Lundell (1845 - 1944)

She gave bith to 12 children! It seams as only six of them survived and grew up, Anders August, Mathilda Christina, Charlotta Ulrika, Carl Alfred, Lars Olov and Per Adolf.

 1) Härnevi C:1 psge 137
 2) Martha T Foote

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